Call for investigation of ex-tourism boss

FORMER TOURISM Authority manager  Salomón Shamah is identified as the next high profile insider of  the Ricardo  Martinelli administration likely to face investigation.

The controversial Shamah, believed to be the Svenali behind  Martinelli’s CD Party  dirty tricks  programs during two elections, had the ear of the ex-president, even after losing his US Visa, while serving in his tourism role because of Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) allegations linking him to shady projects.

His televised tearful offer of resignation was rejected by Martinelli  and he went on to face  more criticism as he constantly racked up the budget for  the Carnaval on Panama’s Cinta Costera after Martinelli had vowed that “not a dollar” would go into the event, and stories emerged of nepotism in the awarding of contracts to Martinelli family promoters.

Shamah’s name also surfaced during investigations into the National Assistance Program (PAN) scandals, when one of the ex-directors under investigation Giacomo Tamburelli claimed that he received “pressure” visits from Shamah, after he pointed fingers at Mastinelli. His name was also associated with attempts to get Mayte Pellegrini, to retract her statements about Martinelli and an account [High Spirit] at the Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage,  allegedly used to manipulate shares of  Petaquilla Minerals. He was reported to have demanded $1 million to gether out of jail, where she lingered for two years, and is currently under house arrest, but has been refused police protection.

He was also linked to the call center scandal, during the last election, when a government funded team operated from a building on Avenida Balboa, spreading disinformation.

Now The Superintendency of Securities (SMV) has asked the Attorney General to open an investigation into Shamah for alleged irregularities in the intervention of FP.

The  request was included in the appeal that the SMV filed against a ruling handed down by the First Criminal Court in this case in which it issued a five-year sentence to former SMV official Ignacio Fábrega for revealing confidential information to FP.

The SMV highlights that Fabrega identified Shamah as personally giving instructions on how the SMV should handle the investigation of the brokerage firm, which has been linked to Martinelli.

Shamah could be investigated for offenses against public administration and financial crimes.

On Aug. 25, Fabrega pleaded guilty to the crime of corruption of a public servant for giving information to FP when it was the subject of an administrative investigation.

The information was sent via an e-mail account that was assigned to Fabrega.

Prosecutors have sought a longer sentence.

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