Panama homicides down road deaths up


 WITH A  TOTAL  of 644 homicides since President Juan Carlos Varela took office, the rate of killings  in Panama has dropped   27%. Of these, 289 occurred in the last six months of 2014 and 355 in the first nine months of 2015, according to statistics published by El Siglo

Until September 30, there were  131 less than in the same period of 2014.

Meanwhile the death toll on Panama roads is already over 300 and no reduction in sight.

Recent homicide figures are 2008 (654 cases), 2009 (818) 2010 (759),  2012 (666) 2013 (665) 2014 (633).

The homicide rate in Panama in 2015 stood at 9.59, well below the 23.2 of 2009, year in which most crimes were committed since the country came under the cloak of democracy, reports El Siglo

According to Integrated Criminal Statistics System (SIEC a median of  between 1-20 homicides a month it is to be in Control Zone (green); 20-44 murders per month is listed as Security Zone (yellow); 45 homicides and above is Alarm Zone (red).

Panama  currently has  on average, 39 crimes per month.

Last year, Panama had a rate per 100,000 population  of 16.1 homicides. Honduras (75.5), Belize (44.7), El Salvador (32) and Costa Rica (9.5)