11 hydroelectric concessions suspended

SOME OF THE KEY PLAYERS in the latest Martinelli family scandal involving an alleged network of hydroelectric deals garnering  government funding , have already fled the country meanwhile the  Ministry of the Environment has announced the suspension of 11 unrelated  concessions.

They were  granted to companies for hydroelectric projects in Chiriquí and Veraguas.

Ministry official Félix Wing said the decision was made after a legal and technical inspection of projects that have been inactive for at least two years.

Six of the impacted projects are in Chiriqui and the other five are in Veraguas. The companies have already been notified.

In addition, the ministry is examining other concessions with similar situation reports La Prensa

Environmental activists called the move “a step forward” in the better regulation of these projects.

Damaris Sánchez said there needs to be greater attention paid to these projects, as they have an effect on the watersheds and rivers of the country. However, Sánchez added that the next step needs to be a total ban on new concessions.

The Ministry of the Environment tried to suspend the projects 10 months ago, but was blocked by a legal appeal that was filed before the Supreme Court by businesses within the industry.

Minister of the Environment Mirei Endara said that it will not process any new concessions until a study is completed of the impact of hydro projects.