Former security minister faces prosecutor

PANAMA’S former Minister of Security Jose Raul Mulino, was taken from his Friday, October interview at the Public Ministry to the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Calidonia another, in a long line of suspects with health problems.

It was his second day at the receiving end of judicial interrogation  at the  Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office where he is investigated over the the  signing of contracts for radars that failed to do the job they were purchased for nd were reportedly linked to bribery of government officials. At 1.30 pm Mulino said the questioing was developing faster and his  rights were being respected. The former official arrived at 8:00 am to face charges  for the alleged commission of crimes against public administration. This was the second day of Mulino’s questioning On  Thursday, October 22, the session lasted more than eight hours.