Panama Jewish and Muslim populations equal

THE NUMBERS of Jews and Muslims living in Panama  is roughly equal, with about 14,000 in each community says a US Embassy survey.

The  Embassy  document, entitled “A report on the freedom of worship in Panama 2014,” said the Jewish population is largely located in Panama City while the Muslims live mainly in Panama, Colón and Penonomé.

The embassy noted that the government does not collect statistics on religious affiliation, and estimates of religious leaders and non-governmental organizations vary.

Approximately 75 percent to 85 percent of the country’s residents are Catholic, and most of the rest are Evangelical Christian. In addition to the Jewish and Muslim populations, other religions represented in the country are Seventh-day Adventists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Hindus, Buddhists and Rastafarians.

“There are approximately 700 Rastafarians, and the majority live in La Chorrera,” the report stated.

It also noted the presence of indigenous religions in communities in the Guna, Ngäbe-Buglé and Embera communities.

The report contains some complaints by Muslims on issues related to immigration procedures, but most were solved after a brief explanation.

This included allowing Muslim women to wear traditional headgear that covered their hair for photos for official documents. A similar exception is made for Catholic nuns.