OFF THE CUFF: Archbishop and political persecution

PANAMA CITY Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa appeared to be sailing very close to the line dividing church and state in a Sunday sermon when he voiced the Ricardo Martinelli and CD Party, mantra  “political persecution.”

Addressing a Metropolitan Cathedral congregation that included President Juan Carlos Varla,       Ulloa appealed to the Public Prosecutor’s Office to follow the law in prosecuting individuals accused of corruption.

“We know that in the various processes people are perceived as victims of political persecution,” he said. “We hope that prosecutors will act with the strictest adherence to the law and with respect for individual rights.”

“This should not be perceived as selectivity to apply or carry out their delicate work as officers of justice away from any perception that their actions and decisions are influenced by pressure or bribes,” he said.

He said that those who have committed errors should be forgiven.

“At this moment in history, the construction of the country demands the willingness of all for reconciliation. Without the reunion of those who are estranged, it will never be feasible, because a nation is always a common project, of dreams and ideals; struggles and hopes carried forward together. Without forgiveness, which is the supreme gift, there will never be a Nation”.

In addition to former President Ricardo Martinelli, at least15 other former officials of his government are being investigated by prosecutors. Several have fled the country.