Study finds people happier without Facebook

PEOPLE who stopped using Facebook for a week felt happier than those who stayed connected, according to a Danish study of 95,000 people.

The study blames the social network for evils such as lack of concentration or a tottering social life.

“We chose Facebook because it is the most used social network in all ages,” said AFP Tuesday Meik Wiking, director of the Institute for Research on Happiness, which conducted the study among 95 thousand people in Denmark.

This group was divided in two: half continued to use Facebook, while the other stopped using it. After a week, people stopped using Facebook said they were more satisfied with their lives.

In total, 88% of them said he was “happy” against 81% in the other group, 84% said their lives appreciate (versus 75%) and only 12% said they were dissatisfied, against 20% among people connected to the social network .

After the experience, the group that stopped using Facebook felt they had a fuller social life and less difficulty concentrating, while others were having these difficulties.

“Instead of focusing on what we need, unfortunately we have a habit of focusing on what others have,” the study authors estimated.

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