24 hour national strike called for Tuesday

A COUNTRYWIDE  24 hour national strike has been called for Tuesday, November 24 by the National Front for the Defense of Economic and Social Rights (Frenadeso) and the Union of Construction Workers (SUNTRACS).

Genaro López, leader of SUNTRACS said the work stoppage, seeks to draw draw the attention of  those who administer the state, to issues such as lack of potable water, corruption, selective justice, lack of freedom of association and the lack of justice in cases of workers Iromi Smith and Osvaldo Lorenzo.

SUNTRACS leaders like Mendez said that the activity will start from 7:00 am on all construction projects.

indigenous groups, and agricultural workers  as part of Frenadeso will join.

SUNTRACS and Frenadeso have been protesting cases of two killed workers  Iromi Smith and Osvaldo Lorenzo, as they consider that no justice has been done, and the police killers have not been  punished..

In the case of Smith, they said that despite the policeman who shot him accepting  his guilt, the jury found him not guilty.

In the case of Lorenzo the person accused was sentenced to 20 years in prison; However, his lawyer asked for a reduction in sentence he was released.

The workers have filed complaints with the National Assembly against the judges responsible for the decisions but the case was closed reports Critica

A police source  source told Critica  that, they are prepared to maintain law and order throughout the country level in case of any eventuality related to the strike.