Turkey version of Russian plane incident, questioned

THE  WASHINGTON based Institute for Public Accuracy quotes  John Quigley, Professor emeritus of international law at Ohio State University as saying that part of the Turkey version of its  shooting down a Russian plane, doesn’t add up.

Quigley has written extensively about both the Mideast and Russia. His books include The Ruses for War: American Interventionism Since World War II.
He said Wednesday, November 25: “Turkey claims it warned the Russian plane ten times, but the maps they released indicate that the Russian plane flew into a very small area of Turkey that juts into Syria. So, if Turkey is telling the truth, the fastest way for the Russian plane to get out would have been to keep going straight ahead. So that part of the Turkey story and justification for shooting down the Russian plane doesn’t add up.


“More broadly, the entire situation seems to be isolating the U.S. since it’s the most powerful nation continuing to insist on the removal of [Syrian President Bashar] Assad. Putin’s position that countries should come together to defeat ISIS plays much better globally.”