Martinelli alleges prosecuting judge corrupt


FORMER PRESIDENT Ricardo Martinelli’s  latest attempt via Twitter to muddy the waters and avoid trial l for illegal surveillance got a quick reposnse from the prosecuting  Supreme Court Judge, Harry Diaz, on Tuesday, Dec. 15.

In a statement  Diaz denied accusations  that he was guilty of corruption.

Martinelli, on his Twitter account Monday, said that Diaz has purchased five apartments through a foundation using money from bribes paid to him in exchange for preferential treatment in court cases.

Diaz made it clear that he does not have a foundation. He said the former president is using his brother, former Health Minister Javier Diaz, to attack him.

“It is appropriate for me to reiterate, for the peace of the population, that such accusations are false,” the judge said.

Diaz is prosecuting the former president for allegedly ordering illegal wiretaps. He said the attacks by Martinelli are unjustified, since his actions as a prosecutor are based on evidence that has been collected in the case.