Businessman to face the music in corruption investigation

PANAMA businessman Roberto Carretero will be interrogated over  his alleged involvement in irregularities in the purchase of musical instruments through the National Assistance Program (PAN) during the past five years.

A judicial source confirmed to La Prensa that he will be questioned about the case next week.
Anti-corruption  prosecutors will also question officials from the Ministry of Education who were in charge of the contract.

The Public Ministry recently ordered an audit of the contracts between the PAN and the companies Country Max and Commercial Nulato, which have been linked to Carretero.

Former PAN Director Rafael Guardia Jaen has already been questioned in the case, and told prosecutors that he was “an errand boy” and was directed to issue the $12 million contract to companies linked to Carretero, who is being held under house arrest.

The Chinese made instruments  have been condemned by many schools.