$20,000 reward for ex-DEA informant

A FORMER US Drug  Enforcements Agency (DEA)   informant who once collected $300 for each confiscated  kilo of drugs, and at one time, while in La Joya prison, “lived like a king” with a fully equipped kitchen and air conditioning,  is now the target of a police  hunt.

The National Police have  offered $ 20,000 reward to the person that provides information leading to the arrest of  David Viteri Rueda.

Viteri, known in the underworld as El Padre  seems to have led a charmed life, and was linked in 2006 to  the famous “drug snatch” one gang stealing a drug shipment from another  gang.

In 2008 he obtained a provisional dismissal by the First Criminal Court for the alleged crime of money laundering.

Earlier he had escaped an assassination attempt  on Via Espana by the “Pentagon” gang working for the Cali Cartel of   his companion. Johnny Cordova Pozo was killed.

While working for the DEA he also  provided information to the former Technical Judicial Police and the Drug Prosecutor’s Office reports La Prensa.

He is now facing attempted murder charges.