Panama gang busting raids net 486

NEARLY 500 Panama gang members and their leaders have been taken out of circulation in 2015  in a  series of  raids under the direction of National Police (PN) Director  Omar Pinzon.

The 22 gang related operations led to the arrests of 486 gang  members and notorious leaders  with aliases like Ito, Waco, Buddha, Cholo and Pipo

The operations have achieved double the arrests of  gang members  compared to last year says a PN report.

“We do not rest until we catch them and take them out of circulation …  for the benefit of the community said Pinzon..

Anti- gang operations  executed by the National Police and Public Ministry officials, have been made across the country, and more than twice in the provinces of West Panama, Colon and Chiriqui as well as in the district of San Miguelito and the districts : El Chorrillo, December 24, Tocumen, among others reports El Siglo.

Many gang leaders re now in maximum security cells, in  Punta Coco prison for crimes including: homicide, robbery, theft, drug trafficking, car theft and arms trafficking.