Martinelli habeas corpus hearing drags on

PANAMA’S SUPREME Court justices met for almost three hours  on Monday, December 28 without reaching a decision on the writ of habeas corpus presented by the defense of former President Ricardo Martinelli, after his provisional detention was ordered as part of the investigation of wiretapping of political opponents, judges, journalists and businessmen during  in his government (2009-2014).

They will convene again at 3pm on Tuesday.

The meeting was called by Judge Luis Ramon Fabrega, rapporteur of habeas corpus.

Martinelli was declared “in rebellion” by  Judge Jeronimo Mejia, at the hearing on December 11, for his non appearance  despite being notified by the General Secretariat of the Supreme Court.

On December 21, Martinellli’s  arrest was ordered.

Rogelio Cruz, Martinelli’s lawyer argued in the writ of habeas corpus that “simple neglect of process” is not sufficient to order the detention of his client .
On October 9, Judge Hary Diaz acting  as prosecutor filed an indictment attributing to Martinelli alleged offenses against the inviolability of secrecy and privacy, and against the public administration (embezzlement). If convicted, he faces up to 21 years in prison.

Also being prosecuted for the interception of communications of  more than 150 businessmen, journalists, trade unionists and political opponents of  Martinelli, are former directors of the National Security Council Alejandro Garuz and Gustavo Perez. They will face trial in March, and have been preventively detained since January 2015.