600 watering holes to fight climate change drought

More than 600 watering holes have been built in different provinces of Panama as part of government preparations for the anticipated drought in summer 2020.

The province of Veraguas,  has 98, Coclé, 107, Herrera, 226, in Los Santos 16, Colón 30. Chepo 30 and Darién 25.

The Deputy Minister of Agricultural Development (MIDA), Carlo Rognoni, said: ” since the start of the new administration, one of the priorities was to launch the Drought Plan at the national level to prepare the ground for the effects of climate change and avoid economic losses resulting from the death of livestock .”

The measure includes the construction of water troughs, drilling of wells, repair, and adaptation of dams and training of producers in cow nutrition.

The  projects have benefited 3,400  producers and a bovine population of 53,800