Civil society shocked by Supreme Court president re-election

THE RE-ELECTION  of Jose Ayu Prado  as president of the Supreme Court  for another two years  the day two new judges were sworn in,  has caused shock, anger  and disappointment among members of civil society says TVN

Magaly Castillo, executive director of Citizens Alliance ForJustice, told TVN-2. that the reelection of Ayu Prado, “is the biggest joke that has been seen in recent years in terms of justice”.

For Castillo the Monday, January 4, swearing in of the new judges and the re-election “does serious damage to the image of the administration of justice”.

Castillo expressed her disagreement with the election of the entire board, not only Ayu Prado, but also Luis Ramon Fabrega and Hernan De Leon.

“This is the most unpresentive board that has occurred  over the last 15 years. This is disappointing and the election of two new judges, Cecilio Cedalise  andAngela Russo is a complete sham.”

Castillo said the Prado  election will affect the implementation of important laws such as the Judicial Service and the Criminal Adversarial System and the legal process. “This is a very dangerous situation facing the justice system.”
Castillo’s  feelings  were shared by Annette Planells  of  the Independent Movement (Movin).

“We are surprised, so there is  no public confidence in the Supreme Court,that  re-elected the current president. It  seems a total nonsense. We believe there is much to do to really have an expeditious, objective and independent justice. ” said Planells.
She was surprised that the proposal to re-elect Ayu Prado, came from the new magistrate Cedalise.

“Our aspirations were the renewal of the Supreme Court and hoped that these two appointments were  a new beginning. To re-elect the current president will create public distrust in justice. “

“Listening to a speech by President  Varela where he said that we need  regain that trust, we feel that this does not match  with this decision,” said Planells.

Vice-president  of the National Bar Association Juan Carlos Arauz, of, agreed with the re-election “This allows continuity plans and programs that were carried out in the last 2 years, so that it can deepen and meet the challenges posed, mainly auditing and transparency in every office”, reports La Prensa.

According to Arauz “Society must understand that this election is determined by 9 votes of those who hold the posts of judges and evaluate the management of the authority.”
Professor and constitutional expert, Miguel A. Bernal,”expected that Ayu was maintained by  the Executive, since this was an election to be decided by two judges and those who already had their instructions.”

According to Bernal justice in Panama will be more of the same.
“What should concern us is that things in the judiciary will not be better, it will be  nothing innovative, but more of the same “.
A poll, showed that  80% of Panamanians believe that the new judges will not achieve a makeover in the court.
While 17% of those who participated in the survey had positive feelings about the administration of justice.

Mutiple  complaints against Prado have been sent to the National Assembly, including links to the FP scandal when he was Attorney General.