Varela dodges Ayu Prado re-election issue

PRESIDENT  Juan Carlos Varela, who, before his inauguration had included  Supreme Court President, Jose Ayu Prado among those whose resignation he would seek, on Tuesday, January 5, dodged commenting on Prado’s  controversial re-election.

When asked about the election Varela said “ there are are nine judges and you have to ask them.” reports La Prensa.

He was also asked about the fact that the two judges he  had named Angela Russo and Cecilio Cedalise, voted for Ayu Prado said just  two hours, after  they had been  installed.|

That’s inner workings and they have to explain their vote. The judges will have to explain their vote, ” he said.

He added that “this is an internal problem of the Court and I believe that any question … is for the Court and its president  [to respond].”

Varela’s statements came during the opening of the conference on maintenance of schools for 2016 called “In Summer,in  My School”