Culeco watery graveyard?

THE ERA OF culeco’s as part of Panama’s traditional Carnival  celebrations may be nearing its end, with increasing calls to reduce unecessary water consumption.

Manuel Soriano, executive secretary of the National Council for Sustainable Development (Conades), appealed on Monday January 11,  for potable water not to be used in culecos during Carnival.

A culeco is  a  storage  tank filled with water which is sprayed on partying carnival goers.

Soriano also asked Panamanians not to waste water during the celebration.

The official made his statements in Herrera during a tour by President Juan Carlos Varela, who was  inaugurating  several projects.

Soriano said that another part of the strategy to avoid wasting water in culecos is to use water from rivers, but making sure the water is removed downstream from treatment plants.

“We should use water that would go into the sea anyway,” he said.

The Water and sewer agency Idaan has also said that potable water should not be used for the culecos.


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