The disappearing Martinelli fixer

THE DEFENSE lawyer for former Immigration Director Maria Cristina Gonzalez  accused of   using state resources to operate a call center for the CD party during the 2014 election has rattled the corruption closet and found a sleeping skeleton.

Roniel Ortiz, while claiming his client is innocent has asked a question that has been on the lips of many who have watched the  worms wriggle at the bottom of the Martinelli era corruption can since it opened 18 months ago.

Despite the fading mantra of the few who claim to  believe that the investigation of theft and government spying on citizen is “political persecution”, the majority of the population is inclined to accept that among the batch of  ex-cabinet ministers, administrators, members of the vaunted inner circle and “ entrepreneurs” who have fled the country or are  awaiting trial, there are some who were feathering their own nests at best, or at worst robbing those they were elected to serve.  and  deserving laudatory punishment that may help  slow the growth of the endemic evil that gnaws at the innards of our society  from the justice system to the National Assembly

Which brings us to the question posed by Ortiz: “Why have others, like Salomon Shamah, not been investigated?”

The name of Shamah (mostly joined to Martinelli) has oozed  to the top of the cesspit in major scandals, like Financial  Pacific, (FP); the alleged attempt to  suborn a judge to render decisions in favor of Martinelli  associates. pressing former PAN director GuilleTmo Tamborelli to retract statements made to prosecutors about Martinelli’s involvement in the  dried foods imbroglio; pressing  FP wintnessesMayte Pellegrini witness to change her testimony about a secret account held by Martinelli; calling an Securities supervisor to the presidential palace to receive instructions … and that’s pnly the scum on the top. If you need to read more, type Shamah into the  Newsroom,  search box and discover his shenanigans  related to Carnival, other election dirty tricks, and his tearful resignation when the US Drug Enforcement  Agency (DEA) uncovered evidence that led to the loss of his US Visa.

And  so far not a whisper of charges against a Svengali so close to the master that you couldn’t slide  a fingertip  of a slime protecting rubber glove between them.

Meanwhile the second anti-corruption prosecutor has summoned Gonzalez to appear Jan. 22 to be interrogated. Already carrying baggage e from her time in Immigration, she faces charges of offenses against public administration.

Ortiz, has claimed that his client in innocent because she did not appointment Giancarlo Terán, who testified that he worked in the call center while receiving a salary from the government.

It does not make sense that other people, such as Salomon Shamah, have not been investigated,” said Ortiz.

Terán,has said that Gonzalez operated the call center, along with Shamah, but the arch Colombian manipulator has, like all good fixers,  disappeared into the shadows, believed by some to be hiding in Israel, source of much of the spying equipment used by Martinelli’s hirelings  The long arm of coincidence?