Chief justice reelection a mockery, resignation demanded

CALLING the reelection of  Judge Jose Ayu Prado as president of the Supreme Court (CSJ  “a mockery” representatives of Civil society organizations have called for his resignation.

A protest gathering  at the court  has been called for Thursday January .14.

The Citizens Alliance for Justice said his resignation would be ‘’a first step to amend the error and to generate some level of calm in public opinion.”

The Alliance, which represents twenty civic associations and professionals at a meeting on Tuesday gave an overview of the most visible parts of  Ayu Prado’s career path.

He  was appointed Attorney General when Giuseppe Bonissi resigned following the discovery of a network of officers linked to drug trafficking, “which then was not investigated “; he was accused of coercion by the florist César Segura and criminal ex-judge  Alexis Ballesteros; he was “publicly linked” to the scandal of the Financial Pacific brokerage –today in  liquidación- [and accused of coercion by an employee who linked  Martinelli  to an account used to manipulate shares,] then he received as payment his appointment as judge by Martinelli”.

In a press conference  Alliance members said

Civil society does not ignore the performance of Judges Angela Russo and Cecilio Cedalise a few hours after being sworn in.

That day, Ayu Prado was re-elected with the votes of Russo and Cedalise; the latter, despite his  newcomer status, proposed Ayu Prado’s nomination. “This is the clearest sign that the last two appointments to the Supreme Court do not represent any change to policy, transparency and independence,”said the Alliance

Russo and Cedalise were appointed by Varela after a consultation and assessment that included Alliance Pact for Justice and other civil society organizations.. “However, the parameters of selection of 10 candidates and the two nominated and confirmed as new judges was  by  the Cabinet alone therefore, the quality of the performances of these reflect, like it or not, its decision’’ said  The  Independent Movement (Movin), in a press release on Tuesday.

“Unfortunately, the first performance of the new judges has questioned their independence of judgment and  leadership, thereby creating  public distrust” Movin said.

The Cabinet has four nominations pending in court: that of a chief magistrate in the Administrative Contentious Room, which will take the place left by the jailed  Alejandro Moncada Luna  last year and three alternates.

Varela said that this selection is made without public participation. Movin insists that it is important that the selection parameters should ensure “that they will be people with independent judgment, strength of character and without any conflict of interest that calls into question the legitimacy of their actions.”

The General Confederation of Workers of Panama, aid  that what happened, sends a clear message that the situation of crisis in the administration of justice will not change.

Magaly Castillo, Citizens Alliance for Justice, said a clear example of this is the decision taken by the full Court to suspend the investigation related to the irregularities in the award of bingo Buko Millionaire, in  which Ricardo Martinelli Linares, son of former President Ricardo Martinelli.