Chamber of Commerce  Christmas wish list includes education. tourism

The  Panama Chamber of Commerce of Commerce and  Industry (CCIAP)  headed their,  Christmas wish list with a re-activation of the economy and state policies that achieve a quick transformation of education.

“The year 2019 leaves among us encouraging signs about what the country can expect in 2020, says the Chamber’s president Jorge Juan de la Guardia.

 “The renewed public powers from the general elections of half a year, and by virtue of the will demonstrated by the Executive to amend mistakes of the past in terms of appointments to high positions, it is possible to aim at these Christmas holidays to finally see a harmonious collaboration, and not submissive, between the institutions of the State, as mandated by the Constitution of the Republic ”, said the Chamber’s message on Sunday..

“Let us ask this Christmas that the aforementioned style of government empowers the leadership that Panama needs to achieve strategic goals in social and economic terms,” says the  Christmas letter. and calls on the new Administration “promptly reactivate the various production fronts, both to contain their deterioration and to expand and strengthen our internal and regional competitiveness, necessary for attracting capital and generating employment.”

They also ask to turn Tourism into the factor of progress that it can become, given the great wealth that the country can contribute to its development. We also have to start taking full advantage of the benefits of Public-Private Partnerships, especially to generate sources of work in the interior of the country.