Panama justice system in crisis without moral authority

PANAMA’S justice system, is in crisis according to  a raft of observers including constitutional experts, former judges  and civil society leaders, with demands for the resignation of recently reelected Supreme Court president  Jose Ayu Prado expanded to include  his colleague Harry Diaz and the unprecedented call for the resignation of all nine judges of the court.

The uproar caused by  Ayu Prado’’s  reelection,  and the involvement of two judges on the day they took office, has been  exacerbated  by  the revelations of Diaz of interference in the court’s activities of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, and accusations of  infighting inside the court and  impropriety by other members of the bench.

Ayu Prado countered and sent a note to the National Assembly to consider calling Diaz before the  Credentials Committee to present evidence of his allegations.

“What would suit the magistrate Ayu Prado, the country, and President Varela is That Ayu Prado resign as President of the Supreme Court,” Said constitutional expert and former Minister of Finance and Treasury Mario Galindo, reports La Prensa.

Ex Supreme Court Judge  Troitiño Esmeralda Arosemena said that these allegations have “destroyed the credibility” of the judiciary and when this happens “we must change it.”

Independent Deputy Ana Matilde Gomez said that all judges Diaz  included, “Should have the dignity to understand and accept that they have no moral authority to administer justice in this country.”

Magaly Castillo of the Citizens Alliance for Justice,said  that after these complaints the nine judges must resign.

PRD Deputy Javier Ortega said that “the statement of Judge Diaz,  should lead to the resignation on Ayu Prado and Diaz .. what has happened to this country is a shame”reports La Prensa.

Union leader Gabriel Castillo, who said both judges should resign because the allegations are “Worrying”