Interns, four months no pay, call strike.

PANAMA’S health authorities, already hit by a strike of indefinite length by nursing technicians, now face another, by medical interns.

 The intern doctors at the Cecilio Castillero Hospital, in Herrera,  tired of waiting for the Ministry of Health to  issue  contracts  confirmed  a work stoppage on January 25.

Roy Quintero, a spokesman for the doctors, confirmed the work stoppage of indefinite duration. He said they have been  working 24-hour shifts, Monday through Friday for four months  and have not yet been called to sign a contract

He said that while the contract is not signed they will not receive payment of their salaries.

Quintero said that many letters sent to the authorities have not been answered.

“It is said that the contracts are in Presidency awaiting signature, but that doesn’t  jibe,” he said.

There are a total of 20 interns waiting for their contract.