A WARNING of  significant ultraviolet radiation across Panama, particularly in Chiriqui, was issed by Hydrometeorology Etesa on Friday, January 29, and is in effect until 5pm.
The warning follows predicted levels of radiation ranging  from 6-9 (high to very high) in  Guna Yala, Colon, Bocas del Toro, Ngäbe Bugle and northern Veraguas.

The notice recommends   extreme prevention measures for the province of Chiriqui, where indices show  values ​​of 9 to 10 (very high)
The notice also indicates the rates of UV radiation range from  7-9 (very high) for the provinces of Veraguas (central and southern), Herrera, Los Santos, Cocle, Panama West, Panama, Darien and Embera.

The use of # 30 sunscreen is recommended every two hours, along with  large hats, sunglasses and parasols.