Diethyline glycol poisoning trial enters 7th day

THE CRIMINAL Court hearing into the poisoning  of over 8000 people with cough mixture tainted with diethyline glycol used in cough mixture and distributed by Panama’s Social Security Service (CSS)   10 years ago, entered is seventh day on Wednesday,March 30 .

At least 170 died and over  8,000 are permenetly disabled due to exposure to the syrup.

The hearing resumed at 10 a.m. to read the 150-page file of the case into the official record. admitted  another 39 complaints related to the poisoning and dismissed five.

There are 11 defendants, Including Angel De La Cruz and Theophilus Gateño, executives of the company Medicom, Inc., which Social Security cough syrup. Also charged is former Social Security by Rene Luciani. director of the Social Security Fund (CSS) René Luciani; and the former head of the Laboratory of  CSS Drug Production Linda Thomas.