Varela Government has stalled country CD leader

ROMULO ROUX, Secretary general of the Cambio Democratico (CD) Party, lashed out Friday, March 31,  against the current administration which he “described as  “a profound disappointment for  the Panamanian people’’ with  a management that has stalled the country.

“This government with the  highest budget in the history of the country, more than $20 billion. has not been able to implement its promises,  gives only excuses and does not respond to the real problems affecting Panamanians” said Roux.
He added that the president forgot that “’the people  first” campaign slogan and is dedicated to prosecuting  their government, without addressing specific problems such as water shortages, insecurity, transportation, unemployment and economic stagnation that primarily  affects those that have less.

He said that the CD administration attended to social problems and the country. experienced economic growth and prosperity.