Police sergeant shot dead by handcuffed woman

After the shooting: katiuska Ibarra seen on social networks
After the shooting: katiuska Ibarra seen on social networks

A POLICE SERGEANT  was shot and killed by a handcuffed woman prisoner in the back of a patrol vehicle on Friday April 16. The incident was the result of inefficient police procedure according to a media report.

Rosmery katiuska Ibarra, 19, was one of two women arrested in  drug case, and was according to reports handcuffed with her arms in front of her, when grabbed the service pistol of  Sergeant , Roberto Ledezma and shot him in the back. The bullet exited through the chest. Ledezma, a father of three was  rushed to Hospital Irma De Lourdes Tzanetatos in Tocumen, where he died.

Early reports revealed that the the women detained were, in the back seat of the patrol car, handcuffed hands to the front, The police vehicle crashed into a guardrail on the Corridor North , in Rana de Oro, Pedregal. The women were transferred to the Tocumen substation, after being taken to the Drug Prosecutor’s Office reports  Critica.