Border migrant crisis continues

SOME 140  AFRICAN migrants  who were on the Costa Rican side  of the Paso Canoas border  decided on Friday April 29,  to move to a  hostel 150 kilometers away.

Initially they had opposed the transfer-for fear of being deported  but changed their minds because of the poor conditions in which they were existing.

Those who decided to leave to go to the  Buenos Aires hostel  were families with children as well as pregnant women and older adults, who, could not continue living in the open.

Fabrizio Zweng, one of the Africans, said another smaller group of Africans were moved to Rio Claro, about 20 kilometers from the border.

He said they are waiting for a prompt response from the authorities in the region, so  that they can continue their journey to the United States saying  that they already are running out of money.

The rest of the group of migrants, totaling about 570, decided to remain : in front of the police substation of Paso Canoas Costa Rica. They come from Mali, Congo, Senegal, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Guinea.

Meanwhile , on the Panama side of the border,  more Cubans, continue to arrive. The director of the National Civil Protection System, Jose Donderis said that they will continue to provide lodging, and meals at a holding center until an agreement is reached on their transfer