MEDIA WATCH: A set back for press freedom

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa, June 5

THE SITUATION facing the dailies  La Estrella de Panama and El Siglo  could certainly couldinformed public opinion.

The strength of a democracy lies in the possibility for citizens to express their views in  which the media play a key role. What is at stake is no small thing. La Estrella de Panama is the country’s oldest newspaper, emblem and symbol of national journalism, through its pages it told our story.

Therefore, the measures its management team has been forced  to take  and which were announced by the chairman in a clear, forceful and transparent manner, are  clouding the future of national journalism and represent a setback for press freedom in our country.

It requires  urgent  decision-making by shareholders of both newspapers to ensure plurality that a democratic society requires. It is in defense of the principles enumerated here that  we express our genuine solidarity with both newspapers.