Security guard gunned down in mall

A SECURITY guard who attempted to foil the robbery of a woman in the Westland Mall, in Arraiján, was shot and killed on Friday afternoon, June 17.

Jerome Morales 35, working  for the Magpie Security company  saw two suspects stealing the purse  of a woman at an ATM  at 2.45 pm. He attempted to stop one of the robbers but the second man drew a gun and shot the guard  twice in the  chest.

The criminals escaped and the victim was rushed in a National Police pickup to the Nicolas A. Solano hospital of La Chorrera, but he died within minutes of arrival in the emergency room reports TVN.

The incident was recorded on security cameras and units of the National Police are on the trail of the two suspects.

The latest killing brings the number of homicides in West Panama to 23 so far this year.