Embezzlement suspects hearing stands

IN SPITE of his Twitter grandstanding, suspected Panama embezzler Mayer Mizrachi remains  a fugitive and is presumed to be in hiding in Colombia.

Meanwhile the whereabouts of his father Aaron Mizrachi are also unknown. He fled Panama in August last year on ex-president Ricardo Martinelli’s  private jet as  investigators moved  on his links to purchasing spy equipment for use by Martinelli against political opponents.

Prosecutors have asked for a hearing to be held Aug. 26 for, the younger  Mizrachiwho faces corruption charges for irregularities in a contract a company he owned signed with the government innovation agency during the previous administration. The work he was contracted to perform was never done and he skipped the country

Mizrachi was detained in Colombia Dec. 29 and faced an extradition process, but a Panama court ordered the extradition to be halted. Mizrachi was slated to be deported to Panama, but he allegedly bribed a prison official to release him. He is now considered to be a fugitive, though he has denied any wrongdoing through his Twitter account.

The Public Ministry said that while the extradition order was cancelled, the case against Mizrachi remains open, which is why it scheduled the preliminary hearing.

Irvin Halman, the current director of he innovation agency who filed the complaint, said that the extradition issues are “exclusive from the prosecution of the case.”

In addition to Mizrachi, a number of other people are charged in the case, including a former officials who handed out a contract to Mizrachi.

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