Swiss prosecutor seeks help in Martinelli probe

PANAMA’S  SUPREME Court at a full meeting on  Friday, June 24, discussed the legal assistance requested by the Swiss Attorney General for information on  former President Ricardo Martinelli, as part of investigations into the Brazilian “Lava Jato” case now under scrutiny in Switzerland

There are previously reported strong links to Panama via Odebrecht whose president is serving a near 20 year jail term and which has received over $9 billion in contracts from Panama governments.

Although the issue was discussed, the judges did not take a decision, so the case will be addressed in future meetings.

Switzerland asked for legal assistance on  March 24 specifically  information from bank accounts, businesses and bribery cases involving Martinelli and his sons Luis Enrique Ricardo Martinelli Linares and Alberto Martinelli Linares.

The information is required as part of the investigation followed the Brazilian company Construtora Norberto Odebrecht SA, for the payment of bribes to obtain public contracts, case known as Operation “Lava Jato”.

The request for legal assistance was sent to the Attorney General’s Office, under Kenya Porcell, who referred to the Supreme Court to decide only the section  regarding information involving Martinelli.

The Supreme Court must resolve issue’s relating to  Martinelli because it is competent to investigate and prosecute the ex-president  because of his  current status of deputy of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN).

All information relating to businesses and Martinelli’s sons  will be processed by the  Second Anti-Corruption Prosecutor .