Fast action needed on procurement law

PANAMA’S CHAMBER of Commerce has called on the National Assembly for fact  on  the procurement law which has been talked to death without any movement on the issue that concerns most citizen groups … allowing firms  with corruption  records  to bid for Panama government contracts.

It has been sent back to the Assembly for more discussion.

In June, President Juan Carlos Varela, vetoed eight articles of public procurement  bill 305 but he and the Assembly  have skirted  concerns about outside corruption. Panama governments have given over $9 billion in contracts to Brazil’s corruption riddledOdebrecht construction company, including over $2 billion from the current administration.

The head of Odebrechcht has been sentenced to nearly 20 years in jail, and numerous other executives are involved in a massive corruption scandal that has destabilized Brazil’s  economy.

“The legislative agenda is full of outstanding issues that need to be addressed without political factions or special interests, among which is primarily the disputed return of the amendment to the Public Procurement Act, which, although it was widely consulted, … opportunities for improvement were not taken, ” says the Chamber.

The Executive’s decision to veto articles  came  almost a month and a half after the legislature approved the initiative said the Chamber. The tardiness    is seen as  an example of the widely held belief that the Varela administration moves at a snail’s pace.

The Chamber also urged the lifting of restrictions on road freight between Panama and Central America, as well as the amendments to the Tourism Promotion Fund.

Most of all the Chamber wants fast action