Country jail moves for whistle blower

TWO DIFFERENT  anti-corruption prosecutors have called for “country prison”(banned from leaving the country)) Giacomo Tamburrelli r former director of the National  Assistance Program (PAN).

Tamburrelli in earlier depositions has blown the whistle on former president Ricardo Martinelli and some of his close associates for their alleged involvement in scams for which he is facing trial.

The Sixth Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, investigates the case of the irregular purchase of musical instruments for the Ministry of Education (Meduca) through PAN in the previous administration, that will be presented on Friday has asked for the country arrest .

Meanwhile, the First Anti-Corruption Prosecutor also approved country prison in the case involvinga dehydrated food contract for $14.5 million granted in 2010 by the late PAN, said Tamburelli’s defense. Martinelli and a former senior official of his supermarket empire have also been named in the case.