Ambassador assault creates diplomatic knot

THE NICARAGUAN ambassador to Panama Antenor Ferrey Pernudi  has had to face questioning  from his government after being  linked to an assault at his residence that left a woman hospitalized.

The government confirmed the discussion in a letter submitted to Panama’s Ministry of Foreign Af fairs.

The note was sent in response to a request by Panama Deputy Foreign Minister Luis Miguel Hincapié for the ambassador to vacate the premises where the attack took place because he did not have a lease for the property.

“These facts constitute a violation of international law, and the government of Nicaragua requests the government of Panama to investigate these acts, while urging respect for the immunity and privileges set out to diplomatic representations in the Vienna Convention,” says the note.

The house was acquired in 2001 by the company Locery, S.A., whose representative is María Fernanda Flores de Alemán Lacayo, wife of the former Nicaraguan President Arnoldo Alemán.

The property was transferred to two lawyers, one being Sandra Cerrud, the victim in the assault, as compensation for legal fees for defending the former president on corruption charges.

The Foreign Ministry of Panama said that this case is complex, however, it indicated that it will comply with the steps that it needs to take, reports La Prensa.