Ex- First Lady rallies to support sex-ed bill

A  FORMER FIRST LADY joined scores   of people gathered in Concordia Plaza on  Via España, on Monday, July 25,  for a protest to support the controversial law that would require sexual education to be taught in schools.

Banners in hand, the participants argued that the country needs the controversial law to pass due to problems such as teen pregnancy.and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases..

The participants included former  First Lady Vivian Fernández de Torrijos and Doctor Xavier Saez-Llorens, a prominent pediatrician and medical scientist among others reports La Prensa

“It will help the country,” said the former first lady.

Saez-Llorens said the law will have a positive impact on public health.

Recently, thousands of Catholics and Evangelicals, including school children  called ou by their by their church leaders, paraded through the streets to successfully  get the debate stalled and sent back to first reading.