Disco dancing in delicate clinical condition

A FLAMBOYANT  boutique owner under country arrest  while awaiting trial for alleged embezzlement, fraud and corruption of public servants, has been identified as a party girl  frequent bars and discos while on alleged  medical visits outside of the country.

YOUR MAN-min (1)The second anti-corruption prosecutor has asked the Fifteenth Criminal Court to make  inquiries to determine whether trips made abroad by  Poulett Morales were to address her health issues or for other reasons.

Second Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Javier Mitre Burgos made the enquiry on July 25 to Judge Leslie Loaiza.

Morales who parleyed her upscale tiny boutique business into a major supplier of school back packs during the Martinelli administration, went on with the vast  profits to build a mall carrying her name.

When first charged she took to the airways denouncing the charges against her and saying that the inflated pricing of the school bags was nothing compared to acceptable mark ups on boutique items which she purchased during regular jaunts to the world’s fashion centers.

Morales, who has been barred from leaving the country, will face charges Aug. 18 along with 19 others for “irregularities” ( a local synonym for theft) in the purchase of school backpacks.

Prosecutors made their request to the judge based on widely circulated reports in media which stated that Morales, “sick and delicate”  has been seen “in bars in Bogotá, Colombia, dancing and enjoying herself.”

Morales, through her lawyer Giovani Olmos, requested and received the permission of the court to travel outside the country in June and July. There is another pending trip slated for August, unless the courts decide that she needs a shorter leash.


The prosecutor said that they did not oppose trips for medical issues as long as the proper documentation is submitted. However, he said that the defendant shouldn’t be using the trips as a vacation.

“This implies the soundness of her current health,” he said.

“If she  attends entertainment centers at night hours in the sister republic, this implies good current health , so the amount of bail  “”should be increased or the bail  revoked.”

Meanwhile, in between her “medical” trips ,the boutique lady with the magic word to access the Martinelli  corruption cave, had turned her ability to mouth off to further advantage with her own TV show on Martinelli owned SER TV.  She had previously discovered the less showy  side of life when after appearing for her original investigation  dressed  like a fashion queen she was transferred to a detention cell, until she was granted  $100,000 bail, largely based on her “health” status and a medical report detailing “ a delicate clinical condition”