OPINION: Sex slaves the dark side of tourism

Hoyporhoy La Prensa August 7

INTERNATIONAL trafficking in human beings for labor or sexual exploitation continues to use Panama as a link in the chain of opportunities for this crime.

The country has historically been tolerant of the exercise of the various forms of prostitution, without verifying the rights of potential victims who may be the subject of abuse in this inhuman activity. Daylight brothels, massage parlors, adult entertainment centers, and hundreds of promotional ads of a sexual nature  in tabloids and newspapers of our country.

This is the dark side of tourism, globalization and open borders policy.

Our humanitarianism and international solidarity must never be confused with neglect and little concern for the  exploitation of desperate people, deceived and raped in their human dignity.

We all have a responsibility to report these behaviors and support that victims are protected and rescued to dismantle these mafias, and prevent our nation remaining  complicit in one of the worst crimes, the equivalent of modern-day slavery.