Call for University embezzlement probe

 UNIVERSITY OF PANAMA (UP) Rector Gustavo Garcia de Paredes who has maintained an autocratic rule over the institution since 1994 is not going to be allowed to go quietly into the night when his final term ends.

Gustavo Garcia de Paredes
Gustavo Garcia de Paredes

A   watchdog group, The Movement foe Decency, within the university  has called for an investigation into the alleged embezzlement of funds during his administration.

José Garrido, the coordinator of the group, accused the outgoing rector of creating a number of structural problems in the school as he prepares to leave and has called on Attorney General Kenia Porcell to open an investigation.

He also called on incoming Rector Eduardo Flores to make immediate internal changes to prevent any further economic damage. He said the change in leadership is a chance to make positive and necessary changes.

Among the irregularities cited by the group are the sale of lands belonging to the school for below-market value and problems with contracts issued by the school.