OPINION: An amoral judiciary

La Prensa, August 13

If MEN WERE ANGELS, no government or laws courts would be required.

It has never been more true in recent times, with the behavior of our judiciary. No week passes without the president of the Supreme Court being  involved in a new controversy.

The most recent concerns the appointment of two protected senior officials who allegedly, to override the incompatibilities established by the Judicial Code, divorced, although they maintain their family.

The presiding chief judge waited for the enactment of Law 53 of 2015 judicial career, which repealed the main article of incompatibilities, to process the complaint that had been filed.

Interestingly, the judiciary is invoked to close the case, while at the same time it’s totally ignoring the law  in the selection of 931 new accusatory penal system officials.

Thus, the Supreme Court has become an living example of the amorality of Panamanian politics. The judges still do not