New company snagged $31 million state contracts

A COMPANY   created a month after  Ricardo Martinelli became president,   got over $31 million in contracts from seven state agencies. It’s ultimate owner   is shrouded  in mystery.

All the contracts to Pele System Inc a company registered in August 2009, one month after Martinelli took office, were fast tracked according to a   La Prensa investigation and the key administration players in the agencies  at the time, have gone to ground and do not answer calls.

The most visible of the deals was the  Pele Police, used  for quick identification of citizens, by  various entities of public safety like the Transit Authority (ATTT) and the National Police. They  were later ruled illegal.

The National Police (PN)  had  at least a dozen charges for Pele System Inc., amounting to  $2,453368.76 for ”Pele Police” services and more followed. All the contracts were approved in days by the Comptroller.

The former directors of the PN and ATTT could not be reached for comment.

The biggest payments made in favor of Pele System Inc ., were for  the contract with the Maritime Authority (AMP)  for  the Pele Marine, system verification and inspection of vessels with the Panamanian flag.
Between 2012 and 2014 an  estimated $25,265 938  went to Pele System Inc. from the AMP via  the Comptroller.
Roberto Linares, who was administrator of the AMP  at the time, said he did not know anything about Pele  System Inc., despite the millions paid.
Former Minister of the Presidency Demetrio Papadimitriu, who served as chairman of the board of AMP when it signed the contract did not return calls and messages made to his cell phone.
Most of the payments  for Pele System Inc. from the AMP through the comptroller took between three and five days at a time when there were  constant complaints from suppliers because of delays in the approval of checks for payment of services.
The National Border Service (SENAFRONT) between 2012 and 2013 made 21 payments to  Pele for  $ 941,831
Commissioner Frank Abrego who  commanded the SENAFRONT during that period.  did not respond to calls from La Prensa.
The  Ministry of Public Security in 2013 paid $823,249 for a maintenance contract.

The then Public Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino, who was one of the main proponents of Pele Police, could not be located, but his administration defended the device as a measure against crime.

In October 2011, the Seventh Criminal Court outlawed the “Pele  Police” in the absence of legislation covering their use