Apartment buyers class action over shoddy work

A CLASS ACTION  on behalf of 42 people who bought apartments in PH Royal Tower in the Carasquilla district of  Panama  been filed with the Ninth Civil Court .

The complaint is against a construction company and developer over damage that has been discovered since they moved in last year.

The claim  was filed by the National Union of Consumers of Panama (Uncurepa) on behalf of those who bought apartments in the building.

The defendants are Wilmar Group Corporation and Pedros Bienes Raíces.

The buyers requested economic damages that could exceed $1 million, according to Giovani Fletcher, a representative of Uncurepa. The claim demands the defendants pay for repairs to the structural problems.

According to Fletcher, since buyers started receiving the keys to their apartments in August 2015, problems started arising due to the quality of the work.

Complaints have also been made to the Panama Fire Department, the Ministries of Housing and Health and to the Panama City Mayor’s Office.