Construction unions and bosses reach shutdown agreement

The Panama Construction Chamber  (Capac) and thein the Construction  Union (Suntracs) have reached an agreement to temporarily halt construction works due to coronavirus (COVID-19) state of emergency.

Jorge Luis Lara, president of Capac and Saúl Méndez, secretary-general of Suntracs, signed the agreement that seeks to protect construction workers and prevent the expansion of COVID-19.

The  agreement also  carries the signature of the Minister of Labor Doris Zapata, and says that “agreements will be established to provide workers with partial and temporary economic resources, which will contribute to the maintenance of basic expenses.”

They also agreed “to cancel no later than March 28, , the biweekly salary.

It also  says that the payment of the item corresponding to the Thirteenth Month must be made no later than April 15.