Minister downplays Christmas Fairs scandal

PANAMA’S Minister of Agricultural Development (MIDA)   is seeking to downplay the growing outcry aound the alleged politicizing of the  controversial Christmas fairs organized under his watch.

On Thursday Dec 29 Minister Eduardo Enrique Carles gave  two versions of the actions that will be taken  on the complaint of Gabriel Corcho, an IMA employee who said that he was assigned to work for  Pan nameñista Deputy Katleen Levy at the Fairs

After hearing the complaint, Carles said on Telemetro’s

morning news: “That is totally illogical and an internal

investigation should be started, as well as a human

resources investigation.”

In the afternoon, when consulted by La Prensa, he did not refer to any formal investigation.

“This issue is already a case of the IMA. These are internal administrative issues that the IMA must carry out day by day,” he said.

He also said that no formal complaint has been filed as of this point.

Levy said that the complaint is motivated by her political opponents.

The events were criticized because the IMA handed out low­cost food, like  $8 hams.

Levy was at the event in her district with  workers wearing shirts carrying her name  prompting criticism that she was using the event to promote her image, among voters.