OPINION: A year of success scandal and corruption

Hoyporhoy La Prensa Dec. 31

THE YEAR 2016 was glorious for Panama. The inauguration of the third set of locks of the Canal and  the exit from the gray list of the Financial Action Group (FATF) projected significant economic and institutional achievements for the country.

Ricardo Martinelli still walks free

The public agenda was dominated by processes against ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, the electoral reforms and the updating of  sexual education and reproductive health for students.

Although these themes were the source of important national debates,two cases drew the greatest political attention and resulted in strong questioning questioning of  the Panamanian image abroad.

The case of the Lawyers Mossack Fonseca highlighted the breach of international obligations that our country had acquired and were simply not complied with.

In turn, the disclosure of of the murky history of bribes paid by the company Norberto Odebrecht to Panamanian officials and their relatives confirmed the corruption of the political class and the fragility of our justice system.

These two great scandals are, at bottom, facets of the opacity of politics and the weak rule of law.

The year 2017 must, of necessity, lead to a nation stronger for its honesty and integrity, and for a battle without quarter against corruption.

That is the route to stop being protagonists of scandal and to set an example for the world.