OPINION: Deputies flouting public will

hoyporhoy La Prensa Jan. 12

THE PROPOSAL for electoral reforms presented to the National Assembly last year by the Electoral Tribunal suffers from the evident lack of political will on the part of the Deputies

It is clear that political parties and some of their representatives in the Legislature are not interested in changing the rules of the game, dealing with corruption or making transparent the private donors financing their campaigns.

Clearly they prefer to keep things as they are, ignoring the citizens’ clamor to change the way of doing government.

You cannot turn back from  the times in which we live. The updating of electoral legislation is only the beginning of  cloning up our Creole politics.

We Panamanians demand that the National Assembly take that first step.

The reforms must be approved without further delay so that they can be incorporated in the  2019 general election plan.

The deputies and their political parties will have a debt to the Panamanian population if their actions do not favor an election tournament with rules.