Fugitives lawyer stalls CSS bribery hearing

A PETITIION presented by the lawyer of a man related to Ricardo Martinelli  and who is wanted by Interpol has stalled a preliminary hearing in the case involving irregularities in the purchase of software from the German company SAP.

Charged in the case before the 13th Criminal Court are former National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG) Director Eduardo Jaén, former Social Security Director Guillermo Sáez ­Llorens, Aaron “Ronny” Mizrachi, the brother in law of former President Martinelli, and 14 others.

The preliminary hearing was suspended when Silvio Guerra, the lawyer for Mizrachi, who has never personally appeared in the process presented his petition.

Since last April, the Public Ministry has sought Mizrachi’s capture through Interpol.

The only defendant who remains under preventive detention is Eduardo Jaén.

The charges relate to the Social Security (CSS) purchase of software through the company Advanced Consulting, the supplier of SAP in Panama.

The investigation began after Vicente Garcia, former vice president of Global Sales for Latin America at

SAP, admitted to U.S. officials that he bribed people in Panama to close the deal between Advanced

Consulting and Social Security.

Garcia said Mizrachi was like “a goalkeeper” who used his relationship with President Martinelli to obtain bribes.

Martinelli is also being investigated, but the case against him is being handled by the Supreme Court.