Partying suspects moved to prison

TWO OF THE PRIME suspects in the Caja de Ahorros (CA)  scandal who  held a Christmas party for family and friends  relatives while in detention at police headquarters, were moved  to El Renacer to El Renacer Prison in Gamboa on Tuesday Jan. 31.

Riccardo Francolini, former chairman of the board of theCaja de Ahorros (CA) state owned bank and Jayson Pastor, the former  manager  under ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, are detained as part of the investigation into a loan granted by the bank to the consortium in charge of the Amador convention center project.

The transfer was confirmed by Rosendo Miranda, Pastor’s lawyer reports La Prensa.

Marcela Araúz, Francolini’s lawyer, questioned the measure, saying the Supreme Court has not yet decided on a habeas corpus petition he filed.

“His arrest is no longer under the competency of the Public Ministry,” said Arauz.

They have been in custody at police headquarters in Ancón since October.

It was recently reported that in December, Francolini and Pastor received at least 50 friends and family at a Christmas party held at the police headquarters.

The transfer was confirmed by Rosendo Miranda, Pastor’s lawyer.

Marcela Araúz, lawyer of Francolini, questioned the measure, saying the Supreme

Court has not yet decided on a habeas corpus petition he filed.

“His arrest is no longer under the competency of the Public Ministry,” said the lawyer.

They have been in custody at police headquarters in Ancón since October.
