Mario Martinelli seeks to block bribery probe

AS ANTI-CORRUPTION prosecutors  draw the net tighter on suspects  in the Odebrecht bribery scandal where at least $59 million  was used to grease the palms of politicians and inner circle businessmen defense attorneys are  seeking ways to block investigations of Panama’s rich and powerful.

Lawyers  for Mario Martinelli, brother of the former president  are  seeking  to annul the two declarations given by their client on Jan. 25 and 27 as part of the investigation into the bribes paid by the Brazilian construction company.

On Monday, February 6 The lawyers submitted a claim of constitutional guarantees to the Supreme Court.

It alleges that Special Anti­Corruption Prosecutor Tania Sterling issued an order to appear for their client, “without having provided the ordinary channels of notice for the concurrence of judicial proceedings, limiting the freedom of the defendant.”

It also emphasizes that Martinelli is charged with a crime “that was not in force when the alleged occurrence of the facts took place,” which violates the Constitution.

The legal moves came the day after Attorney General, Kenia Porcell had announced stepped up moves to coral recipients of bribes.

Prosecutors are also investigating former Minister of Public Works Federico José “Pepe” Suárez, and his sister Ana Suárez; The former director of Social Security Guillermo Sáez Llorens; former head of the Financial Analysis Unit, Amado Barahona, and the former chairman of the board of the Caja de Ahorros (CA), Riccardo Francolini.

The prosecution has also requested the location of Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, sons of the former President whose investigation is also required after Swiss authorities froze $22 million in Swiss bank accounts linked to them

Ricardo Martinelli  is the subject of a Supreme Court hearing on two judicial requests sent to Panama by federal prosecutors in Switzerland.

The requests relate to whether or not he received bribes from Odebrecht.