Anti-military dictatorship leader dies

FLAGS were at half-mast on Panama on Wednesday, Feb.15 for Ricardo Arias Calderón, who was vice president in the government of Guillermo Endara and Guillermo Ford (1989­1994) after being a fierce opponent of the military dictatorship.

He   died Tuesday night  at the age of 83 Wednesday was declared a national day of reflection.He will be given a State funeral.

Arias Calderón was born on May 4, 1933, and studied humanities and philosophy. But he was known for his fierce opposition to the military dictatorship, headed first by Omar Torrijos and finally by Manuel Antonio Noriega. For many years, he presided over the Christian Democratic Party, now the Popular Party.

He was also part of the Civil Crusade that fought for the reestablishment of democracy.

In 1989 he was the vice presidential candidate of the Democratic Alliance of Civilian Opposition, that won elections that the Noriega regime declared void.

After the US invasion in December 1989 Noriega, he took power alongside Endara and Ford.